Polio Place

A service of Post-Polio Health International


Bits and pieces of the history of poliomyelitis can be found in many places, such as academic institutions, state and private libraries, governmental facilities and the archives of nonprofits and professionals organizations. These facilities have been located and described in "Collections."

The PHI (Post-Polio Health International) Collection contains past publications dating as far back as 1955, including the Gazette, Polio Network News, IVUN News and Ventilator-Assisted Living, and various specialty publications. 

PHI Collection

PHI's Collection includes the Gazette (published under various names from 1955 - 1998), Polio Network News (1985-2003), IVUN News and Ventilator-Assisted Living (1987-present), and various specialty publications (e.g., The Handbook, PHI conference programs).  "Selections from Archives" includes important papers and articles found in the organization's library (1958 to present).

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Rotary International Archives

The Rotary International Archives gathers and preserves Rotary-related historical materials—including the PolioPlus program—and makes them available to RI staff, Rotarians and researchers. The collection includes photographs, publications, moving images, audio recordings, artifacts such as braces and an iron lung and related documents. Rotary International History and Archives 7100 N Lawndale Ave Lincolnwood, IL 60712 USA 847-866-3193

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Salk Archives

The Salk Archives constitutes an exhaustive source of documentation of the professional activities of Jonas Salk, including correspondence, writings and related materials concerning a diverse range of persons and public issues of the late 20th century. Most of the papers cover the period from the mid-1940s to the early 1980's.

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Selected Materials from the PHI/IVUN Archives

From PHI's Archives From IVUN's Archives

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Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of American History

The website, Whatever Happened to Polio?, was created in conjunction with a temporary gallery exhibit (April 12, 2005 through September 4, 2006) to mark the 50th anniversary of the announcement that Dr. Jonas Salk's polio vaccine was safe and effective.

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The Albert B. Sabin Papers at The Rockefeller Archive Center

The Rockefeller Archive Center has a small (0.2 cubic feet) collection of biographical material, clippings, correspondence, and photographs. The collection is chronological within each subject and includes photographs. The Albert B. Sabin Papers at The Rockefeller Archive Center 15 Dayton Ave Sleepy Hollow, New York 10591 USA 914-631-4505 914-631-6017 fax archive@rockarch.org

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The Center for the History of Medicine

The Center for the History of Medicine features an on-line polio exhibit focusing on Dr. Jonas Salk’s vaccine field trials, which were evaluated at the University of Michigan Polio Evaluation Center by Dr. Thomas Francis of the School of Public Health in 1954.

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The Hauck Center for the Albert B. Sabin Archives

The Hauck Center for the Albert B. Sabin Archives provides a detailed series list of archival holdings at the Hauck Center and includes microscopic slides and an iron lung. The repository occupies nearly 400 linear feet of correspondence, laboratory notebooks, manuscripts and other research papers generated by Dr. Albert Sabin during his long and active medical career.

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The National Archives

The National Archives contains numerous motion pictures, photographs and other documents related to polio. Use the keyword "polio" or other search term descriptions for individual archival holdings. Of particular note:

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The New York Academy of Medicine

The New York Academy of Medicine Library maintains an extensive collection of polio-related books, reports, health pamphlets and other documents.

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